Passion. Experience. Diligence.

In 2007 I was admitted to practice law in the State of Mississippi. After dabbling in different areas of practice, a few areas seemed to pull me in. The area of estate/probate work especially drew my attention. Seeing how persons of advanced age and/or diminished mental capacity were overpowered by others was revealing. The undoing of an act, especially a will or deed are tall orders and require a lot of resources. These are the grand fights that are only litigated/punished under a rare set of circumstances.

The art of avoiding the above scenarios are realistic with proper estate planning. A well laid plan will most likely be given full force and effect. The common, deed and/or will done near in time to death or mental decline will be defeated and less likely to even be attempted, but action is required. This is where a competent estate lawyer will save decedent’s goals as to the disposition of their estate and save the estate assets, i.e. reduce the costs of death.