A lot of individuals give at least some thought to the disposition of their property upon death. The well planned, usually reduce this to writing in a legally enforceable document called a will and designate beneficiaries to financial accounts and/or convey assets during their lifetime. Wills can be very simple, for example, the “I love you will” wherein the surviving spouse gets everything. Historically, this could cause certain tax issues, but for 2022, an individual can pass $12,600,000 without incurring any estate tax. Wills can also be more complex and even create trusts for the direction of the handling of assets subsequent to death. Trusts are great tools for minors, persons with disabilities and/or young adults who may stand to inherit assets they should not possess freely for whatever reason. One of my favorite sayings is, “that trusts are only as good as the trustee,” and careful planning must be made when considering a trust.